The Falling Leviathan Character Guide


Abigail Hawke

Abigail is the eldest daughter of the Hawke family, the first of two mages. She has a somewhat cool manner and tries to be level headed in all situations.

Leandra Hawke (nee Amell)

Leandra left her wealthy family in Kirkwall to be with the mage she loved, Malcolm Hawke.

Carver Hawke

Carver, Bethany's twin, is the hotheaded younger son, always looking for a way to step out of the shadow of his father and his older sister.

Bethany Hawke

Bethany is Carver's twin, older than him by a few minutes. A mage, like Abigail, Bethany is a healer with a gentle nature and a desire to make peace with others.

Aveline Vallen

Aveline is principled and stern, a great believer in the rule of law.

Varric Tethras

A rogue, a businessman, a writer of trashy novels--Varric is many things.


First to Keeper Marethari, then Keeper of Clan Tualsalis, Merrill is an intelligent, curious mage driven by a thirst for knowledge. While many would say her investigation into the arts of blood magic and eluvian repair were dangerous, they ultimately paid off, as over the course of the Falling Leviathan she restores her broken eluvian and begins to reclaim the Crossroads that lie beyond.


Captain Isabela is a proud pirate and general vagabond. Originally stranded in Kirkwall after a storm took down her ship, she soon made allies and friends with the people living there.


During the Wardens' flight from Ferelden, Justice's borrowed body began to decay at a rapid pace. After a nasty encounter with Templars during which the Wardens barely escaped with their lives, Anders, badly injured, offered his body to Justice so they both might survive.

Nathaniel Howe

The sensible one of the runaway Gray Wardens, Nathaniel tries to ensure that he and his fellow Wardens stay safe.


Hot-headed Velanna has devoted herself to looking after the people of the Kirkwall Alienage.


Sigrun, like Nathaniel, does her best to try and keep her Warden friends out of trouble. Despite the dire circumstances she finds herself in over the course of the story, Sigrun doesn't lose her positive attitude and curious outlook on life.


Fenris escaped slavery in Tevinter, but apart from that, recalls little from his early life. The magical experiments conducted on him rendered him an amnesiac with strange abilities.

First Enchanter Orsino

The First Enchanter of Kirkwall Circle is a job that few would envy. Orsino, an intelligent, skilled mage, does his best with this arduous position, but circumstances are frequently beyond his control. Melancholy and overworked, his mind is ever occupied with the safety and wellbeing of the Kirkwall mages.

Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard

The Knight-Commander puts her responsibilities above all else.

Grand Cleric Elthina

The Grand Cleric exhibits a warm, somewhat doddery exterior that hides a brutally calculating mind. Ultimately she believes she's doing what's right for Kirkwall, and the Chantry as a whole, and doesn't care much for anyone's input but her own.